What We Offer

Breastfeeding Basics Class
Jevan Super
/ Categories: What We Offer

Breastfeeding Basics Class

In this class we will delve into everything you may be wondering about breastfeeding, with plenty of time for questions. This course is not just about dispensing information; it's about fostering a supportive community where you can freely ask questions, share experiences, and connect with other mothers on the same journey. 


Course content includes: 

  • Benefits of breastfeeding 

  • Understanding milk production and how to know if your baby is getting enough 

  • Establishing a feeding routine that works for you 

  • Recognising hunger cues 

  • How to achieve a good latch 

  • Feeding positions 

  • Identifying and addressing common breastfeeding issues (engorgement, mastitis, etc) 

Cost: FREE to The Village Community. Please join our platform to access a range of resources to support you in your parenting journey.

Dates/times: To view available classes and sign up, please complete this  BREASTFEEDING CLASS BOOKING FORM

If you'd like to enquire about our classes or get in touch with any questions or concerns you may have please complete the enquiry form and one of the Village NZ team will be in touch. We aim to get back to you within 48 hours. 






"Thank you so much for the informative class! So grateful that something like this is available for mums-to-be, it was a great platform to be able to ask questions to someone who really knows their stuff. Feeling a lot more prepared about my breastfeeding journey ahead, and looking forward to joining the fourth trimester sessions next year. Thanks again Liora 🙂" - Amelia

Great course - thank you so much Liora! Feeling much more confident and positive about the breastfeeding journey." - Florence

"Amazing class, lots of helpful information and resources. Thanks so much :) will definitely also be signing up for the postpartum support. Thank you!" - Jenny

"I took one of Liora's breastfeeding courses 2 months before my first baby was born. The information and techniques taught in the course truly empowered me when we started our feeding journey. I took to it confidently and naturally as Liora gave us lots of different feeding positions and tips. Midwives at Birthcare could not believe that Leo had only been born just a few hours prior, because he latched so easily and very quickly worked out a feeding position that felt comfortable for both of us. Thanks to the course, I was given the confidence to push through some pretty challenging hurdles in our feeding, including a posterior tongue tie, cow's milk allergy and mastitis. I also navigated returning to full time work at 7 months postpartum and managed to continue feeding. I am 15 months postpartum, and working full time, and my son is still breastfed. I feel so grateful to have been empowered by this knowledge and to have such a successful journey thus far."  - Rebecca

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